Friday, February 29, 2008

Classes & Projects

Well, I have nothing thrilling to talk about this week (meaning, no word yet from any of the things I'm waiting on... so it doesn't look good for Cambodia, unfortunately as I expected. Also First Cut Film Series Competition has been postponed, apparently. Huh. Go figure) so instead I thought I'd talk briefly about some projects I'm working on for class and independently.

First off, I'm really really loving my classes. They're a lot of fun, and are more specialized than last semester's, so I feel like I'm actually learning more. Audio Techniques is a required FP course, taught by either Dan Pavelin or Harry Cheney (both very accomplished audio technicians - I have Pavelin) where you basically learn the ins and outs of recording sound on set, best ways to get 'good' sound, and what to do with it after that, in the mixing stage.

Anyway, I'm taking a sound kit out this weekend to do a project for that - and while I have the equipment out, I'm also recording some Foley and effects for "Pepper Mountain," a Senior Thesis project that I am currently sound designing (yes, as a freshman). Sound is certainly NOT my emphasis, BUT I enjoy it and although I am trying to get someone else to help (or take over) the position for the film, now in post-production, I'm content with playing Designer until anything changes. SO the sounds I'm trying to get on location this weekend (with the sound kit) include playground sounds and household sounds... playground squeaks, swings, chains, slides, etc., and household cabinets, faucets, etc. A lot of stuff I could do in the Foley stage (which we have here at Chapman) but I think I'll get better sounds by going to some locations and using the real things. I am ALSO planning on holding a Foley Studio-Session sometime within the next two weeks (ideally before spring break). I have our main actor coming next week for ADR and Voice-Over, too.

The funny thing about the film (shot on Super-16mm) is that they almost NEVER recorded sound during the shoot. Ouch. Because there's little dialogue, they didn't think they needed to. Oh well. More work for me.



cinemadolce said...


I just got accepted into the film production school at chapman as well as LMU. I wondered if you had applied to any other "film schools" and what made you choose Chapman over them?

Also, are general education courses small and diverse or are they pretty big? And with there being over 100 incoming freshman/transfers into the film program how hard is it to get into the class you want and are you with alot of the same people?

Oh and one more thing... How competitive is the environment between students or is everyone very open and collaborative with one another?

-Thanks for your help!

Kai de Mello-Folsom said...

Great Questions - and congratulations on being accepted! (see my answers in an upcoming post...)

Baddaboom95 said...

Hello. I was just accepted to Chapman as well to major in Film Production next year. However, I am also interested in a minor outside of Dodge College but within Chapman University. I would like to minor in Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual studies. I was wondering if you knew if that was possible or how one would go about doing so. Thanks!

Kai de Mello-Folsom said...

It's absolutely possible to add a major or minor, especially if it's something you're interested or invested in. (Again, see my more specific answers in the latest post)