Saturday, May 24, 2008


Needless to say, I'm now on summer break (been home for about a week).

So not much to talk about, but I'll at least try to wrap this up for those of you who have been following: had to get out of the dorms by Friday, but my plane was early that morning so I left Thursday night and stayed with a friend who drove me to the airport. I've got my schedule mostly set for next semester, though things often change the first week back anyway, as you sign into classes, etc. I'll post that new schedule soon...

Summer's looking pretty up for me; I pretty much slept this whole last week to catch up on the sleep I missed during the VERY busy last few weeks of school. Now, I'm housesitting for some friends (which includes watching their dogs) and I'm taking advantage of the uninterrupted personal time to finish long-overdue personal projects and independent film projects from the last year. In July, I'll be performing full-time for a theatre company and working for them. In the meantime, and continuing through the summer, I have some pretty exciting film projects lined up:

- First one is working on the "WomensTrust" documentary I talked about in earlier posts. It looks like we won't have the funding to actually make it to Ghana (I'm still crossing my fingers, but also need to start being realistic) but the project is still a go at this point, I'll just have to rely on the footage we've already taken from the location.

- Second one is a new and exciting project that I just got involved with through my mother's work - a non-profit Mental Health organization. If I get the go-ahead from the bosses (should know Monday) I'll be interviewing survivors of suicide, or those who have lost friends or family members to suicide. I'll be gathering their stories, their messages, and the things that helped or hindered their coping with the loss. As proposed, the film would be approximately 20-30 minutes and would be distributed to healthcare providers and organizations throughout New Hampshire, with the possibility of taking the film further to National Organizations (ideally, that is... only if the film turns out to be really useful...). Anyway, a really profound, moving film for me to be heading up and I'm excited, scared and motivated by it. We'll see how this progresses...

- Final one (well, actually there's about a dozen other little things, but the last BIG one) is pre-production for the first Season of "Real to Real." Yes, the TV show that my friend and I originally created for the Fox Network/MySpace Competition... we're taking it to a full season now. We're going to try and get it on local television, as well as the web. Currently, we're getting packets out to writers, and are beginning the HUGE planning process - to give you a scale of the production, we'll be writing and planning from now until school starts, and filming pretty much EVERY weeknight and weekend for the first two months of school... for release in early 2009. AHHHH! It's a huge undertaking, but I'm hoping it will be a great experience for everyone involved (and that's becoming a LARGE group!).

Anyway, that's more or less my summer. Oh, I'm also teaching a one-week film class to Middle and High-School students at my old school in august. Should be fun.

But that's all I'm saying for now! Have a great summer, and as always, contact me with any questions or comments! (Plus, if you're going to be new on campus in the fall, get in touch with me!) See ya!

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