Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Locations & Brownbags


Good news is I can walk again. I was on crutches for a little while (they hurt so much!) but I'm walking again, just in time for the set I'm supposed to be on this weekend!

Things have been going fairly well - the biggest concern has been Brent's AP ("Night Train to Anywhere") which shoots this Friday - Sunday. Our locations took far longer to get back to us than we ever expected... forcing us to scramble around this past Thursday and Friday (and now, the beginning of this week) to get permits, locations, etc. We've finally managed to lock down the Santa Ana Train Depot (our first choice) for two of our three night shoots. It has a great inside waiting area and outdoor courtyard for the final scene:
Our other location has just been locked as well... The Manhattan Supper Club (http://www.manhattansupperclub.com/), down a few blocks south of here, for the central station restaurant scene. We've been really lucky with them in parcitular, getting a room set aside for us and no fee attached to the shoot (which is particularly excellent because our small buget is already becoming quickly overwhelmed with equipment, etc). We did end up getting the Panavision Grant - so we get a Panavision Super16mm Camera! And, due to lighting concerns at our two locations, we've decided to film on... drumroll please... Black and White KODAK Super16mm film! (KODAK 7231 stock, for any of you film emulsion buffs). I'm kind of excited about that, as I've never actually shot on B&W film before... strange, how things change in time. So we get four 400ft rolls through the school, and then we've convinced KODAK to donate four more to be on the safe side! We'll have to pay for the extra processing & telecine, but other than that we'll have enough to film our project on, hopefully! In other news, I auditioned this past Friday for the Theatre Department's Directing II class - they each put on a one-act play for the end of their class (we call them BROWNBAGS in the theatre department, since their usual final showings are during lunch hours on a friday) and hold a big audition as a group to cast actors. Out of the 12 or 13 plays, I was called back for 8... which made my weekend quite busy, being 2-hour callbacks apiece. I was cast in one and am very excited about it - "Lights Out," directed by Em Hanke, who I do not yet know very well. Very exciting, but also something that will have to be added to my busy schedule.

I'll let you all know how the shoot this weekend goes... crossing my fingers it goes off without a hitch. If not, as Producer I'll be in charge of taking care of it!

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