Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Well first off, thanks for viewing my blog!
My goal is to give you, as a potential student or outside viewer, a glimpse into life here at Chapman University - and not just the typical "Admissions Pitch." The real deal. I'd love for you to get a real sense of what it's like to be here, studying and living here, so that you can determine how it fits with your hopes and expectations. Please feel free to leave me any feedback or questions you may have, and I'll be happy to get in touch with you or mention my thoughts in my latest blog.

This is a fairly new experience for me, so I don't exactly know where to begin...

I'm a Freshman (expected graduation 2011) choosing to double-major in Film Production (BFA) and Theatre Performance (BA)... in other words, I'm clinically insane. Double majoring in any college or university can be hard, and you have to expect that, but Theatre & Film are, by nature, two of the most extra-curricular-heavy majors there are, especially here at Chapman with our strong, community-based departments and excess of opportunities (external & internal). Suffice to say, Film/Theatre isn't an easy double-major here, but it's not impossible, and I'm living proof! I think it's awesome if it's what you love to do - but you might want to think it through very carefully first... and be prepared not to sleep!

Another more unique thing about me is that I'm from New England - central New Hampshire in particular. I've only met a handful of students from my general area, but I know our out-of-state numbers do continue to grow. It's certainly been an interesting experience, going to school on the opposite coast, but I've loved California so far and transitioned quite well. I miss the New England falls the most, but the warm weather doesn't hurt.

I've made close friends quite quickly - the Film and Theatre Departments are, in reality, great communities that are dependent upon their members constantly working together in creative, collaborative ways. It's not hard to get to know people when you're working on set with them every weekend, or performing a scene with them in front of your class, or better, a full audience.

Anyway, I feel that's probably enough about me for now - I'll do my best to keep posting updates, comments, thoughts, and tips, but as always, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have and I'll do my best to answer them!

Tata for now -


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