Monday, March 31, 2008

Back from Break

So, first off sorry it's been so long since my last post. It's been a really busy few weeks, including spring break! Basically, I went home to NH for spring break, which was wonderful... except for the three or four feet of snow. But still, really nice to be home. I actually worked a lot during the week, having a few meetings, finishing film projects, etc.
One of the things that came out of this was a partnership with a non-profit organization based in NH called "Womens Trust." Founded by an amazing and inspiring woman by Dana Dakin, the organization "supports programs to empower women and girls in the developing world through microcredit, education, and healthcare." The program currently is focused on Pokuase (poe-KWA-see) in Ghana, West Africa, but shares partnerships with other organizations in developing countries.

Dana had called me up this past February after hearing about me through my private school (for which I recently did a documentary) and through common friends, and asked me to meet with them while I was home to give them my opinions and experience on filmmaking. Over dinner, we discussed making a documentary for their organization and what that would entail. Along with another local filmmaker we created a gameplan for creating the film and are now currently attempting to get the funds for the summer. With luck, I'll be travelling to Ghana in either June or August for a few weeks to film their program in progress, which is incredibly exciting! I love to travel and I love even more to tell a good story, and this is an excellent story that I feel needs to be told. SO although I didn't get into the Dodge Cambodia Documentary program this year, I may still be travelling to far-off countries over the summer and filming documentaries! I'll keep you posted...

This past week was crazy mostly because it was the first week back from spring break. Everything seems to pile on during that week, I think. Between a dozen class projects, three midterms and an ADR / Voiceover session for the Senior Thesis project I'm sound designing, I had rehearsals every night for both my Theatre Mainstage that I'm performing in ("School for Scandal") AND "Beyond Stage," a musical review benefit that I was Tech Directing (Lighting Design, Sound Design, and booth crew). So I got an average of four hours of sleep a night last week. Luckily I'm past that now and hopefully it will be better.

To add to that, this past weekend I was on set for "Now & Zen," an advanced production directed by Becky Bauer, to count for my Audio Techniques class. Basically, we had to be on sound crew as one of our projects, so I asked to be placed on this weekend (out of three) as I was LESS busy this weekend compared to the next two. Of course, that still meant I was only free one full day out of a Friday-Sunday shoot schedule, but luckily including me we had three people working sound, which is really only a two-person job on a student set (one on mixer, one on boom). While I was on set, I worked with body mic-ing the actors when necessary and running boom. Here are some photos:

Anyway, that's all for now.

1 comment:

Landon said...

Sounds quite busy indeed! That Ghana trip possibility sounds like a really cool opportunity.