Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Last Stretch

I know, I know... I'm really getting worse and worse with writing posts. And it's not for a lack of things to say, let me tell you. (Actually I was kind of hoping to wait until I had some neat photographs to show, like in my other blogs, but for now... no such luck).

Well, we're into the last stretch of school now...

"School for Scandal," the Theatre Mainstage Production that I was in, is now over (phew!) so I have at least SOME evenings free. On the Theatre front, I'm still busy Stage Managing a student production that will go up in two weeks and tech directing the B.F.A. Showcase; sort of a culmination show to showcase the talents of the graduating B.F.A. Theatre Performance Students for both this community and the L.A. community. In addition, Freshman Theatre & Film students are now preparing for the first B.F.A. Screen Acting Major auditions... I am not among them because I am going for the B.F.A. Theatre Performance (which auditions in the sophomore year for theatre students) AND of course B.F.A. Film Production. However, it will be interesting to see how this new major (the first in the country!) progresses over the next few years.

In film news, I'm currently sound designing the senior thesis project "Pepper Mountain," which finally got me a picture lock after an initial public screening at the Film School. We don't have the composer locked down yet, so I'm taking on the ADR, folley and background sounds. It's a pretty simple sound design, but something that I should also be able to have fun with (most of it is narrated by the lead character). So I'll keep you updated with that.

Also, I just got roped into another senior project, by one of my friends from Editing I. She's already filmed 1/3 of her project, but needs to complete it. Initially, I signed on as 1st AC for the 2-weekend shoot (which was condensed into one), but now we're on hold because she can't be greenlit until she at least has something to show for the first 1/3 of the footage... i.e., edited well into something to show the administration. Her editor has flaked on her, so she went to our editing professor (Scott Arundale) and he reccomended me to fill in - a nice plug for me, to be sure. Anyway, now she's getting me the footage and I'm trying to edit a few scenes together by the weekend in order for us to get funding to continue. Fun, fun, fun.

Let's see, what else is there to say... oh, my family is up from New Hampshire for the week, which is nice. Unfortunately they flew in a DAY after my show got done, and weren't able to see it, but still it's been nice to have dinner with them and plan on going to the beach with them on Friday. For all of you out-of-staters, you should know that you're in the minority (ESPECIALLY if you're from NH), but it all works out and taking the chance and going somewhere far away is a lot of fun too. Plus with computers and cell phones, everything's so much more connected anyway nowadays.

That's all for now folks, I'll try to write more often for the last few weeks of school (yay!).

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